You Can’t Please Everyone

Hello everyone, after my last post may have come off at the beginning being downright whiny I decided to put a positive spin on exactly what has been on my mind lately. I have been noticing a decline and the overall camaraderie teamwork not only with and bounds but with other bands themselves. This is probably one of the reasons why one of my most recent shows had very poor attendance, Which at this stage of the game for me is downright embarrassing. I didn’t think playing on an off night would be a total deterrent for everybody. Especially since other bands have been able to draw at this particular events. And I’m sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of who have been able to draw at this particular events. And I’m sure if this was a bigger national touring acts, the charges triple or quadruple of why our door cover most people wouldn’t care and they be even taking pictures i’m going live on Facebook to brag about the fact that they spent at the very least $75 for a nosebleed seat. Why? Because in certain peoples heads that makes them look cool or have some sort of elevated status. And also, the fact that this band has been around for years doing major tours and releases gives people a certain amount of buyer’s assurance that they’re getting what they paid for , Which as we know is not the case always.

After I played to an almost empty room, which shouldn’t of happened considering all the years the band has been around not to mention all the time and money spent to promote the band over the years. I didn’t feel like it was pointless to continue on with the band knowing that we embarrassingly enough couldnt draw a crowd in our hometown. I realize that I can’t let some people who don’t give a rats ass about me or my music stop me from doing what I love. And I do know that there are plenty Of much bigger named artists that have had it way worse. One of which that came to mind was Ricky Nelson, Who I recently discovered was actually born in the same hospital that I was. I didn’t know that his father,Ozzie Nelson was born and raised in the same town that I was. But I just assumed that Ricky was born and some hospital out in California. Anyway, many years ago Ricky Nelson was invited to play in event at Madison Square Garden called “the Garden Party”. There was a big misunderstanding by Ricky, which led to him being booed off stage. See, the crowd thought that he was going to go up there and play some of his classic hits from his early years. But instead, he started to play some of his more recent songs which happened to be in a totally different style than his earlier work. So immediately after he received a bad reaction from the crowd that night, he started to write the song called the garden party. Which is how I named this post because the chorus goes you can’t please everyone, so you have to please yourself. I decided to omit the last part of that phrase because I know how many people would probably think that this entry had absolutely nothing to do with music, if you catch my drift. The song actually became a hair as well, so my point is that even when you’re at your lowest you can find inspiration and motivation to keep going on. Yes it is a great feeling when you receive praise for your work, but on the other hand hearing negative Things about it such as bad reviews should not make you consider packing it in. That’s one of the reasons why they tell many actors to not read the wro things about it such as bad reviews should not make you consider packing it in. That’s one of the reasons why they tell many actors to not read their own press. Anyone who is successful has to be self-motivated and never content. There’s always some way to improve things and find bigger and better accomplishments.

I think that some artist’s best work can come out when they feel that they are at rock bottom. It has happened to me many times i’m shocked that it’s been a while since I’ve written anything, but I’ll make sure that the changes really soon. The one story that says out in my mind the most is how The one story that says out in my mind the most is how Eric Clapton got inspired to write tears in heaven Eric Clapton got inspired to write “Tears in Heaven”. I’m sure most of you would agree that there can be almost nothing worse than losing a child. I must praise Clapton’s resilience by being able to overcome This tragedy and continue to do what he was born to do you to do. The thing is that, although we are inspired by what we encounter in life we still have to look inward and be self motivated enough to shape something from the inspiration. You can only truly consider yourself an artist if don’t let any situation in life prevent you from creating your art. I’ve witnessed many people go from Playing music all the time to doing some job outside of the music industry because they’ve been convinced that that’s the only way that they can survive. I’ve been forced to work these kinds of jobs myself, but I have yet nor will I ever allow her to prevent me from continuing to play music . After all, what’s the point of going in and doing some job day in and day out that slowly killing you so you can make a living and that truly live. When I find myself feeling frustrated about any problems I may be encountering with in the band or the label, I am fortunate enough to have other people within the industry that can you offer me advice or vice versa. It’s just like the old saying goes: ” where there’s a will, there’s a way”. But many people are willing to do what it takes in order to achieve that. I have gone on to this in detail him past posts, so there’s need for me to do it again.

These days we have many resources that can help us in order to achieve our goals musically. And if any of you out there needs to pick my brain about something feel free to contact me. Often times, very motivating people often feel as if they are the odd man out. And that is because the kind of determination that people need in order to be truly successful is often dormant in many. I’ve been confronted by several people that we’re basically crapping all over everything that I had worked on and we’re not even taking into consideration anything that I was explaining to them after all of the time I spent researching and working on the things I was trying to implement. On the flipside there are many times and all of the people that you can turn to, I hope that you feel that I am one of them.

I hope that everyone who read this, has a different perspective on their lowest moments. They are only here to test us and wants me to come out on top we should feel even greater than we did before things fell apart. Thank you all again for reading my posts and I will continue to keep writing more often, so please subscribe to my feed and feel free to comment if you would like to. And please enjoy the song by Ricky Nelson that I mentioned earlier in this post. Until next time, be well.

, Nate

And of course, here is the link so you can preview my band’s new album : The Sorrows

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