Never Say Die!

Some of you that are linked up with me on Facebook probably know why I chose this title. I have been posting a video for a song with the same named from a band called the 69 Eyes around lately for various reasons. I felt the message of the song is good and I have been listening to this group a lot recently. Also, I just felt this was a fitting message to send people into 2014 with.
A few weeks ago I warned everyone about the dangers of being sidetracked during the Holidays. Which I’m sure may have gone wayside, and justifiably so. I have found myself practically in panic mode not being able to get even the simple of tasks done(actually I’m lying I did come up with a few new riffs and lyrics) forgetting that this is a well earned break from all the pressure and stress that comes along with being a D.I.Y. musician/owner of a soon to be launched independent record label. I found myself very anxious too when thinking about spending time with the people that will accept me no matter what, My family because I have so many things that are at this moment unfinished. But since we have accustom to blaming the corporate greed mongers that destroyed this wonderful Holiday season, I’ll blame my angst on them as well. Damn you corporate greed mongers! Actually if we set aside the spending, the hassles and various insanity that this time of year has morphed into you and focus on the true meaning of the Holidays we will be able to relax and enjoy ourselves. It is supposed to be a time of peace and giving, in which we should all be kind to one another. My Christmas spirit came almost a day late and found myself at peace content for what I have at this very moment (something I usually view it as loss of the killer instinct). This time of year comes only once and it is great to see everyone cheerful and excited to be with loved ones. This year I mainly spent time in and around NYC as I awaited new developments with my projects. I learned the valuable lesson to not put your work into just anybody’s hands as a seemingly friendly individual chose to try and set our project aside in order to climb the social ladder within the NYC scene and eventually attempted to extort money from us. I just need to tell myself: You are NOT George Bailey and this is not Bedford Falls (you know from the classic Christmas movie: it’s a wonderful life)
I never thought there would be a bad side to being ambitious, but like anything else there must be a time to slow down or “cool your jets” so to speak. My main concern is being able to officially launch Forever Autumn Records , I am hoping to have album from my band, Imbolg and Of Beauty and Madness, which I am playing bass for. I never thought I would be involved with two bands at the same time, it is good to take a step back and not be the one steering ship all the time. However, each person in Of Beauty and Madness (OBAM for short) has some expertise they can bring to the table. I am really looking forward to having both bands out playing in many different cities and meeting new and exciting people this year. I can’t say that I’m sorry that 2013, it has been a real up hill battle. Many friendships have been tested and some have ended. Many have shown their true colors, as they continue to deceive or accuse. Many doors have opened and some have shut. But such is life as each passing year gives us a chance to learn and grow as part of our personal journeys.
I leave you with my hopes that all of you will find your true path in this next year, even if it does not bring you joy at first. Some gifts take time to blossom. Thanks again for reading this year, be safe and enjoy your NYE celebrations wherever they are held. I’m sure you guessed that I would leave you with this video. Enjoy, Nate

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